"I LOVE that sound!"

We had a great time hiking around the island which was full of spring flowers. She said constantly how beautiful everything was and took the same picture every 5 minutes.
When we got back, I discovered that she had not understood that we had already been on the island. She was still waiting for us to arrive and she was very disappointed. She spoke for two days about a memory of when she was a kid...that she expected our outing was going to be more like that. I never was able to understand very well what she expected and why she was so disappointed. It's that she can't really use language to explain things so that another mind understands them anymore.
One of the sadder affects of her condition is that you become more and more apathetic, thier passions disappear. Something that she was never short on; that defined her personality. So, it was nice to see how this memory inspired her try to communicate it to me so intently.

We go out to parks and on walks at least 2 or 3 times a week now. I think I prefer my time with her this way too. The heat of the sun from above and of her arm, from below. I could point out those airplanes in the sky with my finger all fucking day if it makes her happy.