Sunday, November 9, 2014

I dream she is small

I found this today in a notebook shoved between books in my bookcase:
Sept 22, 2007

Last night I had a dream that my mom was with me and that she was very small, like a little person. And that this was because she had begun to shrink little by little because of her illness. I am not sure if she is aware of her condition or not. We go to a corner store and I buy something. I turn around and she has the idea that they have something of hers. She's not sure what it is but she looks for it anyway and goes behind the counter, to the employee side. I have to go get her and tell her firmly that she can't be back there and that they don't have anything of hers. Then we go outside and cross the street. I am very worried about her because she's so small so I pick her up and carry her on my hip, like a child. She says "You're so sweet." I ask her if she knows that she has been shrinking and it seems like she doesn't understand the question. I think at this time we are in Argentina. I think that she'll end up disappearing before I come back to California. Afterwards (or before, I don't remember), we go to a museum in the countryside. She likes this a lot and we buy the artist's book. 
Then we're in her house in El Cerrito. She is in another room and I go outside with the phone to call Joel and tell him I'm here and ask him if he has told her that she's sick. But before I finish dialing, I hear that he's already in the house. I go inside and I notice he's in one of his bad moods. He doesn't look me in the eyes and he criticizes us for buying the book. She's uncomfortable. So am I.

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